80+ supported languages Study smarter.
Study smarter.
not harder.
Turn audio & videos into notes,
flashcards, quizzes, conversations and more.

A new way to actually
learn & excell
Transform your knowledge into action through interactive tools,
personalized feedback & collaborative experiences that empower you to
master any subject with confidence.
This Month's GPA:
Streamline your studying
Write, Study & Learn faster today with Plethora AI
Record lectures
Turn your recordings to interactive notes in one tap.
Instant Notes
Generate structured & customizable notes within seconds.
Chat with your notes
Turn your notes into a personal tutor! Engage in conversations to ask questions, clarify concepts and test your skills.

Hello! How can i
help you with
your note ?
help you with
your note ?
Can you tell me at what
temperature water boils ?
temperature water boils ?
The boiling point of
water is 212 °F (100 °C).
water is 212 °F (100 °C).

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Paint a world of possibilities with Plethora. Try it today.